I created this page to help you with conversions from the US to Metric and vice-versa. If you’re looking for some quick conversions, just use the automatic calculator below. If you want even more detailed conversions, scroll down and check all the tables with conversions that I built for you.
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Quick Measurement Converter
The tables below are approximate only because when we are converting for example a cup of something into grams or vice-versa, it depends on what you have in that cup.
If you’re baking and you’re looking for more precise information, please scroll a little bit down and you will see different conversions in dependence on what you have in your cups.
Cooking Conversions US to Metric
1/5 Teaspoon | 1 Milliliter |
1 Teaspoon | 5 Milliliters |
1 Tablespoon | 15 Milliliters |
1 Fluid Ounce | 30 Milliliters |
1 Cup | 240 Milliliters |
1 Pint (2 Cups) | 478 Milliliters |
1 Quart (4 Cups) | 950 Milliliters |
1 Gallon (16 Cups) | 3.8 Liters |
1 Ounce | 28 Grams |
1 Pound | 454 Grams |
Weight US to Metric
.035 ounces | 1 Gram |
3.5 ounces | 100 Grams |
1.1 Pounds | 500 Grams |
35 Ounces | 1 Kilogram |
Volume US to Metric
1/5 Teaspoon | 1 Milliliter |
1 Teaspoon | 5 Milliliters |
1 Tablespoon | 15 Milliliters |
1 Cup of Fluid Ounces | 240 Milliliters |
34 Fluid Ounces | 1 Liter |
Dry Measurements Conversion Table
TBSP | TSP | Cups | Ounces | Grams |
1 tbsp | 3 tsp | 1/16 cup | 1/2 oz. | 14.3 gr. |
2 tbsp | 6 tsp | 1/8 cup | 1 oz. | 28.3 gr. |
4 tbsp | 12 tsp | 1/4 cup | 2 oz. | 56.7 gr. |
5 tbsp + 1 tsp | 16 tsp | 1/4 cup | 2 2/3 oz. | 75.6 gr. |
8 tbsp | 24 tsp | 1/2 cup | 4 oz. | 113.4 gr. |
10 tbsp + 2 tsp | 30 tsp | 2/3 cup | 5 1/3 oz. | 159 gr. |
12 tbsp | 36 tsp | 3/4 cup | 6 oz. | 170 gr. |
16 tbsp | 48 tsp | 1 cup | 8 oz. | 226.8 gr. |
32 tbsp | 96 tsp | 2 cups | 16 oz. | 453.6 gr. |
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Liquid Measurements Conversion Table
TBSP | TSP | Cups | Ounces | Liters |
1 tbsp | 3 tsp | 1/16 cup | 1/2 oz. | 15 ml. |
2 tbsp | 6 tsp | 1/8 cup | 1 oz. | 30 ml. |
4 tbsp | 12 tsp | 1/4 cup | 2 oz. | 60 ml. |
5 tbsp + 1 tsp | 16 tsp | 1/3 cup | 2 2/3 oz. | 79 ml. |
8 tbsp | 24 tsp | 1/2 cup | 4 oz. | 118 ml. |
10 tbsp + 2 tsp | 32 tsp | 2/3 cup | 5 1/3 oz. | 158 ml. |
12 tbsp | 36 tsp | 3/4 cup | 6 oz. | 177 ml. |
16 tbsp | 48 tsp | 1 cup | 8 oz. | 237 ml. |
32 tbsp | 96 tsp | 2 cups | 16 oz. | 470 ml. |
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1 Cup Equals to…?
- 8 Fluid Ounces
- 16 Tablespoons
- 48 Teaspoons
- 1/2 Pint
- 1/4 Quart
- 1/16 Gallon
1 Cup in Grams…
1 cup of Flour | 140 grams |
1 cup of Sugar | 150 grams |
1 cup of Powdered Sugar | 160 grams |
1 cup of Butter | 230 grams |
1 cup of Heavy cream | 235 grams |
Oven Temperature Converter
°F | °C |
250°F | 120°C |
300°F | 150°C |
325°F | 165°C |
350°F | 175°C |
375°F | 190°C |
400°F | 200°C |
425°F | 220°C |
450°F | 230°C |
475°F | 245°C |
500°F | 260°C |
525°F | 275°C |
550°F | 290°C |